Category: Mini Chainsaws

Mini Chainsaws are a fast growing market segment. They put the use of a chainsaw within reach of just about everybody. Here we review a range of mini chainsaws and discuss all aspects of these including what they are particularly good for as well as their limitations.

What Are Mini Chainsaws Good For?

what are cordless chainsaws good for

What Jobs Can Mini Chainsaws Do Well? The question of what jobs mini chainsaws are good for has a multitude of potential answers! The question that really needs answering is: What job do you want a mini chainsaw to do…

What is the Smallest Chainsaw Size?

smallest chainsaw

The Smallest Chainsaw You will Find? The answer to this question is not entirely straight forward as it depends on how you define “chainsaw”. But if you mean it has a motor driven chain that will saw through wood then…

7- Inch Mini Chainsaws Are Good All Rounders

7 inch mini chainsaw

7-Inch Mini Chainsaws are Rare but Useful. For whatever reason, 7-inch mini chainsaws are hard to find. While 4-inch bar and 6-inch bar mini saws are the most common, there are a few 5-inch bar mini chainsaws that are excellent.…

The Best 5-Inch Mini Chainsaws on the Market

5 inch mini chainsaws

The Best 5-inch Mini Chainsaws Out There. Is this the best 5-inch mini chainsaw out there? It’s not often that you get a main stream chainsaw manufacturer dropping into the mini chainsaw segment. But Worx, better known for their more…

So You Want a Mini Chainsaw for Pruning?

mini chainsaws for gardening

Do you need a particular type of mini chainsaw for pruning plants in your garden? What specifications should you be looking at to decide how suitable a mini chain saw would be for the job? Of course a big factor…