Category: Mini Chainsaws

Mini Chainsaws are a fast growing market segment. They put the use of a chainsaw within reach of just about everybody. Here we review a range of mini chainsaws and discuss all aspects of these including what they are particularly good for as well as their limitations.

Some Ideal Mini Chainsaws for Women

chainsaws for pruning

The Best Mini Chainsaws for Women Is there such a thing as the best mini chainsaw for a woman? What would qualify a mini chainsaw as being suitable for women? Its a loaded question fraught with chauvinistic assumptions that might…

The Imoumlive 8 Inch Mini Chainsaw

brand name mini chainsaws

Imoumlive 8 Inch Mini Chainsaw Upgraded The Imoumlive 8 inch mini chainsaw is the bigger version of the very popular upgraded Imoumlive 6 inch chainsaw. This updated 8 inch version takes all the good aspects of that mini chainsaw and…

The Prunarbo 8 Inch Chainsaw Dissected

mini chainsaws for gardening

How Good is the Prunarbo 8 Inch Chainsaw? The Prunarbo 8 inch chainsaw is, as the name suggests, designed with pruning (garden) trees and shrubs in mind. It will do more than that though.More about it’s capabilities further down. This…

Well Known Brand Name Mini Chainsaws

brand name mini chainsaws

Top Brand Name Mini Chainsaws Surprisingly few top brand names in the chainsaw world produce what would classify as “true” mini chainsaws. That is, a small chainsaw designed to be used with only one hand and fitted with a…

Do All Mini Chainsaws Actually Need Oil?

do chainsaws need oil

Why do Mini Chainsaws Need Oil? So lets get it out there from the start! ALL chainsaws, including mini chainsaws , electrical corded and battery powered chainsaws, need oil. It just depends where you need to apply it and when!…

The Best 6 Inch Mini Chainsaw to Buy?

best 6 inch mini chainsaws

Which 6 Inch Mini Chainsaw is Best? So is there an a single best 6 inch mini chainsaw on the market? Probably not! The title of “best” is so subjective and open to interpretation. So ‘best” for one person may…

Can Chainsaws Overheat While Being Used ?

can chainsaws overheat

Can Chainsaws Overheat While Working? [no_toc] The simple answer to the question posed is yes, chainsaws can overheat while doing what they are designed to do – cutting wood! This is true of both gas powered as well as battery…

What Can You Cut With a Mini Chainsaw?

what can you cut with a mini chainsaw

What Are Mini Chainsaws Designed to Cut? In essence, mini chainsaws are designed to cut through anything that a chainsaw would normally be used on. But on a smaller scale. So, mini chainsaws can be very effective in performing a…