Yes You Can Buy Pink Mini Chainsaws That Work!

Do Pink Mini Chainsaws Actually Exist?

Pink Mini Chainsaws

Yes they do!

There are in fact a few pink mini chainsaws on the market.

One imagines the marketers are aiming these products at women.

However, the color pink obviously has nothing to do with how the mini saw performs. You can find some suggestions about what factors (other than color!) might make mini chainsaws more suitable for women here.

Back to pink mini chainsaws πŸ™‚

The SOYUS 4-inch bar mini chainsaw

This mini saw (pictured left) has a decent track record and has the added advantage of coming from a manufacturer who makes more than one size or type of battery driven chainsaw.

That indicates they have some experience in the field of small cordless electrical tools. In fact, this one is labelled a 3rd generation edition of this saw!

Experience is always a good thing!

At only 12 inches (30,5cm) long and weighing inΒ  at two pounds (0.9kg) plus the battery weight, this is certainly a small, lightweight mini saw. These figures make it one of the smaller mini chainsaws on the market and ideal for small jobs around the garden or light DIY projects.

The flip side of the above is that it will quickly break down if you use it for jobs beyond its capabilities!

The package itself gives you just about (but not entirely) everything needed to start cutting.


Having two batteries is always advisable as batteries take much longer to re charge than run flat. So the second battery allows you to run one flat and carry on with the second one while the first recharges.

Having said that, it’s probably not a good idea to keep working such a small tool for such a long time continuously. Short bursts of work interspersed with down time and bar/chain re-oiling is the ideal recipe.

A Spare Chain is always useful. It’s not always easy to find extra chains for mini chainsaws so having one on standby is a good idea. While on the subject of chains, do remember the chain will need tightening from time to time, especially when new.

Safety Button. This has to be pressed in at the same time as the trigger is pulled in order to operate the mini saw. A good safety feature although mostly a pain for left handed people due to its positioning on the tool.

Chain Guard. The guard is another safety feature. It is designed to stop saw dust and/or wood chips from flying into your eyes while cutting. Probably not full proof, but a good addition none the less.

LED Light. A nice to have although how many people would actually need it is debatable!

Carry/Storage Case. It’s always useful to keep everything in one place for easy retrieval when you want to use it. The case also makes this mini chainsaw very portable. Think camping trips or helping out at a friend’s house etc.


No Self Oiling Mechanism. Many mini chainsaw sellers claim you don’t need to oil the bar and chain. This is particularly true when the mini saw is as small as this one. And there is a good reason for them saying this and it is this. The tool is so small that the frame does not have any space for an automatic oiler to be built in!

However, oiling the bar and chain is a basic requirement of decreasing friction between bar and chain and thus increasing the longevity of both.Without the oil, the saw motor will quickly overheat and cut out until it has cooled down. Makes working pretty frustrating!

So you need to oil the bar and chain!! Without an automatic oiler you will need to carry a small bottle of oil that you can apply to the bar and chain at regular intervals.

Not ideal, but not really a big deal either!

No Trigger Guard. Given that it has a safety button, the lack of a trigger guard is not the end of the world. Still, weird accidents do happen. On the other hand, a big trigger guard can hinder access to small areas, so there is that aspect to consider as well.

EVBOYS 4-Inch Mini Chainsaw

pink mini chainsawThis pink EVBOYS 4 -inch bar mini chainsaw is very similar to the SOYUS product above.

There are however some differences that are worth noting.

It is slightly longer at 13 inches(33cm), but slightly lighter at 2.42 pounds (1kg) with battery attached.

It not only comes with the two chains, but an extra bar is also supplied. One never really knows whether this is:

  • a marketing ploy to make the package more attractive to buyers than it’s opposition OR
  • It’s indicative of an inferior quality bar that might bend or buckle after some use.

It also has a trigger guard that might or might not be advantageous (see discussion above).

Other than those few (minor) points, the only other noticeable difference is the carry case which doesn’t really have any influence on the performance of the mini chainsaw per se.

In Conclusion

Pink is not usually a color associated with mini chainsaws, or indeed any sort of chainsaw.

Yet here are (the only?) two examples of pink mini chainsaws.

If pink is your color and the main requirement, then you might have to flip a coin to decide which one is the better choice for you πŸ™‚

Otherwise, take a careful look at the differences and then make up your mind.

Or, you could look for something entirely different here