Is it OK to Prune With A Chainsaw?

To Prune, or not to Prune with a Chainsaw?

chainsaws for pruning

So why would you want to prune with a chainsaw?

According to the encyclopedia Britannica,   pruning,in horticultural terms is defined as :

“the removal or reduction of parts of a plant, tree, or vine that are not requisite to growth or production, are no longer visually pleasing, or are injurious to the health or development of the plant.”

So the question being asked is whether you want to use a chainsaw to carry out that “removal or reduction”! Or not. 🙂

Now remember, chainsaws come in a range of sizes and configurations e.g. some have off set bars and commonly ranging from 4-inch barsright up to 18-inch bars (and sometimes more).

Also, a chainsaw cut is not always the cleanest cut! So whether it is OK to prune a plant with a chainsaw really depends on a few factors that relate to the plant and pruning requirements.

These include:

How accurate does the cut need to be?

Chainsaw cuts can be a bit messy and inaccurate which is not an issue if you are pruning large bushes or tree branches that don’t require micro precision cutting.

Having said that, mini chainsaws will be more accurate than a regular sized chainsaw. However they are still probably not great for pruning prize winning roses.

Battery operated secateurs would probably be a better choice for really delicate pruning jobs requiring great accuracy.

For slightly bigger branches you should take a closer look at battery operated loppers.An awesome tool!

How much pruning is required?

If you have a large garden and need to prune quite a few plants then this increases the attractiveness of using an appropriate chainsaw to do the pruning.

A chainsaw allows you to move around easily and quickly, pruning as you go. This is particularly true if you use a , cordless electrical chainsaw.

Arthritic or Weak Hands?

pruning with arthritic hands

As we get older, we often spend more time and become more involved with our garden and plants.

However, unfortunately, as we get older, our physical powers lessen and some of us are subject to painful conditions like arthritis.

In these situations, chainsaws, particularly battery powered mini chainsaws, are an absolute bonus when it comes to general pruning in a garden.

They are lightweight, maneuverable and start easily. Also, they have enough battery life to allow one to do 20-30 minutes of work at a time.

That is long enough to get through a good deal of pruning. It’s also a good time to take a break and let your hands rest and recuperate!

Variations in Plant Size.

Both pictures below show possible pruning scenarios in the same garden.

It is pretty obvious that the same tool cannot be used for both jobs.

This is probably an extreme example but  it illustrates the point. Whatever tool you are going to use for pruning, it needs to be suitable and capable of doing the job. And bigger isn’t necessarily better!

If you are going to use a mini chainsaw to prune garden shrubs and trees then you need to ensure that the bar length is an inch or two longer than the maximum diameter you need to saw through.

On the flip side, a chainsaw, no matter how small, isn’t going to work on very thin, bendy stems!


LP1000 Alligator Lopper

What do you want to prune?

top rated electrical pruning shears

Popular Chainsaws used for Pruning

We have shown that chainsaws can definitely be used for pruning as long as you understand their limitations and are happy to go with those.

But which chainsaw to use?

Under normal circumstances, the mini chainsaws are the most practical for normal pruning of garden bushes and small trees.

The 4-inch bar or 6-inch bar cordless mini chainsaws are the most popular sizes and are probably suited for most gardeners and their requirements.

If you have a lot of bigger stuff that needs regular pruning, then a lopper might be a better option for you.

To Conclude

Chainsaws are indeed an option when considering the best tool for pruning.

You can find out more about chainsaws in general by clicking here