Can Chainsaw Chains be Sharpened?

can chainsaw chains be sharpened

Should Chainsaw Chains be Sharpened At All? Chainsaw chains can certainly be sharpened! In fact they need to be sharpened to get the best performance out of your chainsaw. The benefits of a sharp chain include: a better cutting experience Gets…

Can Chainsaws Overheat While Being Used ?

can chainsaws overheat

Can Chainsaws Overheat While Working? [no_toc] The simple answer to the question posed is yes, chainsaws can overheat while doing what they are designed to do – cutting wood! This is true of both gas powered as well as battery…

Why Do Chains Come Off Chainsaws?

why do chains come off chainsaws

Reasons Why Chains Jump Off Chainsaw Bars Chains coming off the bar of the chainsaw is a common complaint heard especially from first time owners of chainsaws. And when you look at a chainsaw, you can understand why this baffles…

What Can You Cut With a Mini Chainsaw?

what can you cut with a mini chainsaw

What Are Mini Chainsaws Designed to Cut? In essence, mini chainsaws are designed to cut through anything that a chainsaw would normally be used on. But on a smaller scale. So, mini chainsaws can be very effective in performing a…

Is it OK to Prune With A Chainsaw?

mini chainsaws for gardening

To Prune, or not to Prune with a Chainsaw? So why would you want to prune with a chainsaw? According to the encyclopedia Britannica,   pruning,in horticultural terms is defined as : “the removal or reduction of parts of a plant,…

Are Electric Chainsaws Worth it?

are electrical chainsaws worth it?

Are Electrical Chainsaws Worth it Overall? [no_toc] The question of whether electrical chainsaws are worth buying or not is best answered by defining what you want the chainsaw to do for you. While there is no doubt that there have…

What Are Mini Chainsaws Good For?

what are cordless chainsaws good for

What Jobs Can Mini Chainsaws Do Well? The question of what jobs mini chainsaws are good for has a multitude of potential answers! The question that really needs answering is: What job do you want a mini chainsaw to do…